it's twelve o’clock here,
the clock tower said so
the train comes at twelve,
So where are you?
I know you wouldn’t leave me here
without a reason,
Is traffic backed up?
Did your alarm never go off?
Are you alive?
Why aren't you here?
You know how much
I hate train rides alone
I’m scared of sitting with strangers,
and your shoulder
is so much nicer
to rest on
than the foggy window.
The last call was 37 seconds ago,
I counted
I am counting
I stole a window seat
from a pregnant lady
so I could continue
to stare at the bare platform
Where are you?
the conductor instructed the doors to be shut.
I halted him
to beg for a minute more
he brushed me along
and walked me back to my seat
in silence, suggesting
to stay seated.
The man next to me smells putrid
I miss your cologne
Where are you?
The train left.
We’re not stopping anymore.
I hope you catch the next one.
I’ll be waiting.
Katelyn Brown is 20 years old, a poet and currently attends Rutgers University seeking a major in English and creative writing. She is very active in the local open mic and poetry community. She is now working on her first manuscript and hopes to publish a poetry collection soon you can find her on instagram @ Katelynbrownpoetry