He shone in smooth ascend one morn
And oozed in amber hue.
And then unveiled the lost vignette
Which slants from then withdrew.
The Hillocks grew as tall as spires.
The Crocus leaned ahead.
The vehement processions
Above the brooks they went,
And then above the meadows
From which the winter clouds
Declared its snow relentingly
To soften in abounds!
He thundered by, so plashlessly,
As harshly as a sigh,
As swiftly as the petal’s fall
That landed on my eye!
Ham is 19 year old Emirati poet, who currently studies health science in Canada. He's obsessed with classical poetry written in iambic meter that has beautiful musicality, specifically Emily Dickinson style ballads, Emily Bronte, and Edgar Allan Poe's romantic sonnets. He writes to express his inner feelings, as he struggle to communicate them as a person with ADHD, and to articulate his perception of random occurrences as poems.